Our little Grayson was born January 3, 2019. He is the sweetest little baby and LOVES TO BE HELD! Tony and I may or may not cater to that. Tony and I werenโ€™t sure about a third baby. After much prayer we both had that desire in our hearts. Some of you know our story […]

Leigh Leigh girl where do I begin. We prayed and prayed for you.  God sure helped healed some of that whole in our hearts with your existence.  After two years of trying and two sweet babies in heaven we found out on Fathers day weekend that our little miracle  was in route.  God has something […]

This precious soul made me a momma.  I have learned so much from him and for him.  This time five years ago I was laboring in the hospital.  My water had broken at about 1:30am and he was born at about 3:31 pm.  He was 7 lbs 9 oz and 21 inches long.  He had […]

We had these two over for a movie on Friday evening and I looked outside when the movie was over and IT WAS SNOWING like…. snow globe snowing ๐Ÿ˜€ They had no choice but to come outside so I could take these pictures ๐Ÿ˜€ did I mention that I LOVE SNOW? 






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